Preparing For Camp
A few pointers, tips and frequently asked questions about getting ready to come to camp.
Arrival and Departure
Check-in takes place at Trout Lake Camps from 3:00–4:30 p.m. on Sunday and will be divided into check-in time slots. If you have multiple campers that are given different time slots, you may arrive at the earliest time slot. Please arrive during your assigned time slot as our check-in system is only able to accommodate a specific number of campers at a time. You will receive your check-in time on the Thursday prior to arrival, please wait until this time to arrive. This is when campers move into their cabin, meet their cabin leader and get acquainted with their new home. The camp week ends at 10:00 a.m. on the last day of camp.
All camps start at 3:00 p.m. Sunday or Wednesday and end at 10:00 a.m. on closing day (Saturday, Friday or Wednesday depending on the camp week).
You can find maps and directions to Trout Lake Camps online.
Spending Money
Campers have the opportunity to spend money on a variety of “extra” items and activities. They can choose to buy snacks, ice cream or pop from the canteen or soda fountain and small gifts or T-shirts from the camp store. Some activities such as horseback riding ($12), craft projects, and skills classes (waterskiing/wake boarding, crafts, etc.) ($15) also have additional fees. All activity costs are included for Wild Woods campers. For each person, the amount of spending money brought will vary. Campers are encouraged to deposit their spending money in the camp bank. This helps keep their money safe and allows them to charge all purchases directly to their account.
Medical Issues
Trout Lake Camps' medical staff are adult volunteers currently employed in the medical field. These are professionals who give a week of their time to camp. Medical staff are on duty at all times and available by radio for fast response. Additional camp staff are also trained in emergency medical response.
Daily medication is dispensed according to printed instructions. All medication must be turned in to the camp nurse upon arrival. Medication is typically dispensed at meal times and before bed.
Camp is not a fun place to be when you are sick. If a camper becomes ill, they will be monitored closely. If they are too uncomfortable to stay or have not improved in 24 hours, arrangements will be made for your child to return home.
The safety of campers is very important to us. After hours our staff patrols the camp grounds to ensure safety.
Calling Home
Campers are allowed to use phones only when they have a significant need or problem. It's simply not practical to give campers access to phones. Camp staff will contact parents immediately if a camper has a problem. We do not encourage homesick campers to call home without our staff first calling the parents to determine the best course of action. Parents who need to contact their child should call the camp office and set a time when your child can be near the phone.
Family and friends are encouraged to write to campers. All contact information, including fax numbers and e-mail addresses, are on the contact page. Please use the "Send A Message" page to get electronic messages to your campers.
Cabin Assignments
Cabin assignments are made one week before camp and are not released until check-in time. This enables us to grant most requests for cabin mates. It's important to us that each cabin group has a positive and accepting atmosphere. It's also important to us that campers become acquainted with other campers outside their current circle of friends and that individual campers feel comfortable and accepted even though they may not have come with someone they know.
To protect this type of accepting and friendly cabin atmosphere, we will not put more than four campers together in a cabin who know each other. If your child is part of a large group of friends – including a group of five – we welcome your input regarding how a large group should be split. Friends who wish to be together should request each other. Friend requests are made through the registration process. If you need to update your request, or if you have any questions, email Registration@TroutCamps.org or call the camp office.
Requests for a specific type of cabin (modern vs. rustic) will only be considered in situations that involve wheelchair accessibility or extreme medical handicap.
If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us quickly since some camps are full and do have waiting lists. Keep in mind that a portion of your fee is nonrefundable depending on the date of your cancellation. Trout Lake Camps does not issue refunds for campers who leave because of homesickness or illness.
Laundry is not available for campers. Enough clothing should be packed for the entire week. Of course in emergency situations, cabin leaders are happy to wash sleeping bags or other clothing. All clothes and a bag for dirty laundry should be labeled with the camper's name and phone number (the single largest lost and found item at Trout is an unmarked black garbage bag of dirty clothes!).
Packing For Camp
Suggested packing list:
- Sleeping bag
- Fitted twin sheet
- Pillow and case
- Blue jeans/pants
- T-shirts
- Warm sweatshirt
- Raincoat/poncho
- Summer jacket
- Shorts
- Socks
- Underwear
- Pajamas
- Swimsuits
- Tennis shoes
- Flip flops or sandals
- Bath & beach towel
- Washcloth
- Toiletry articles
- Water bottle
- Flashlight
- Pens
- Notebook
- Bible
- Camera
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent
- Labeled laundry bag
- Spending money
Stuff to Leave at Home
Skateboards, roller blades, fireworks, non-prescribed drugs, alcohol and tobacco products, and weapons of any kind are not allowed at Trout Lake Camps. Please also leave music players, TVs, video games and cell phones at home. There will be so much great stuff happening campers won’t have a minute to waste on the electronic world. Take this opportunity to get away from it all. We reserve the right to take anything from campers that we feel is contrary to the atmosphere and spirit of camp. These items will be safely stored and returned at the end of the week.
Clothes to Leave at Home
Campers should pack modest clothing. To us this means that swimwear adequately covers the body, pants stay up around the waist, and underwear shouldn't be visible. For girls, spaghetti straps may be inappropriate depending on the garment. All girls should pack a one-piece swimsuit since most camp water activities are very active (two-piece swimsuits simply aren't practical for the active nature of camp).
Clothing that advertises alcohol or tobacco products is not allowed. If an item of clothing is questionable, leave it at home. Camp staff will ask campers to change if they are wearing something inappropriate.
Lost and Found
Items left behind are washed and inventoried on a weekly basis. We are happy to return items, but do ask that you reimburse us for postage costs. The amount due will be charged before shipping the item. Lost and found items are only kept for two weeks and then discarded or donated to charities.
Other Questions
If you have any other questions please contact us.