Core Values
It is our values that guide and direct our decision making at Trout. Therefore, as a Christian camping organization, we look to what we value as a road map of how to do ministry because our values were shaped from Biblical principles. Out of our love for Jesus we passionately desire, as observed through decades of faithful ministry, to accomplish our mission by living out these values day in and day out.
Based on the Bible
Scripture drives all aspects of our work. Our relationships with guests, staff members and constituents, our stewardship of resources, our philosophy of programming and our business operations are all grounded on biblical principles.
Foundation of Faith
We provide opportunities for children and youth to build a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Adults and families also benefit from year-round programming designed to help them to grow spiritually and relationally.
Fun is Mandatory
Fun is the hallmark of the Trout Lake Camps experience. Fun surrounds and supports the adventures and relationships that provide the setting where serious spiritual challenge can take place.
Safety First
We create an environment where campers are physically and emotionally safe as they undertake adventures, attempt challenges, make new friendships and explore spiritual questions.
Making the Most of What We Have
We want to reach as many people as we can in the most effective manner possible. That requires careful stewardship of resources in every decision we make.
High Standards
Our standards are high. We care about the total experience of our guests and provide the best possible quality of service in every dimension. This standard even applies to the people we employ at Trout.
It's About People
Caring relationships support all of our work. The embodiment of the gospel is seen in the cooperation and unity of our staff, our sensitivity to the needs of our guests, and the genuine love that permeates the Trout Lake Camps community.
Serving the Christian Community
We serve a broad faith community, majoring on the core elements of Christian faith and life, as an outreach of the churches of Converge North Central. As owners and partners Converge North Central churches enjoy particular loyalty and service.