Why Trout Lake Camps
Since 1947 more than 350,000 children, youth and adults have had the time of their lives at Trout Lake Camps.
In those years 25,000 people have made a significant spiritual decision at Trout, making this a meeting place with God.
Trout Lake Camps is worthwhile because of the tremendous spiritual and personal value. It will be one of the best weeks of the summer for your kids, creating lifelong memories.
Meeting Place with God
First and foremost, Trout is a God-centered camp. Sharing the love of God is our focus, our purpose and our entire reason for being here.
Our primary way of sharing the love of God is through relationships. The chapel speakers are powerful, but it's the solid friendships built at camp that allow people to open up and hear God speaking to them. It's these relationships that campers remember most about their Trout experience.
Instant Impact
Time at Trout Lake Camps has incredible spiritual impact because it's concentrated. It's a 24-7 focus on making a spiritual difference. The first day at Trout offers more time than a month of Sunday School. It's this concentrated time that results in people making a decision to believe in Jesus.
Camping Value
If you simply want to have fun, there are better places to go (though not many!). But few other places offer the same opportunity for spiritual, emotional and physical growth. We challenge campers in safe and age appropriate ways, and that means a week of progress, not couch-warming. Trained college-aged cabin leaders who love Jesus will watch over your kids, making sure fun is had, things are safe and they get the full Trout experience.
Taking Care of People
Trout Lake Camps is about taking care of people. We listen and respond to parent needs. We have three to four fulltime nurses on staff in the summer to deal with emergencies, minor scrapes and routine medications. We emphasize staff training and encourage our team to take concerns to supervisors until the issue is addressed, which means we respond as quickly as possible. Finally, our Executive Director, James Rock, is very accessible. If you have a question, issue, or concern, please send him an email at jrock@troutcamps.org.
A Chance to Unplug
Camp is a chance to unplug from the routine, to not have cell phones ringing, texts beeping or e-mail interrupting. It's easier to respond to the spiritual when we're away from all the distractions. But that doesn't mean Trout is out of touch. We still keep parents in the loop with twice-weekly updates and use the latest in technology to keep kids interested.
Why Trout Lake Camps
Remember walking through the woods and playing outside with your friends? Trout creates those experiences, letting children, youth and families interact with God’s creation in one of the best outdoor settings in the state.