Trout exists because of the support and contributions of thousands of people. From the tireless efforts of the camp’s founders in the 1940s, to the camp staff serving every summer, this is a meeting place with God that has been built by God’s people. We hope you’ll consider giving to Trout Lake Camps and joining the generations of others who have helped make this a meeting place with God.
How Can I Give?
Donate Online
Our secure online payment system is a quick and easy way to make an immediate donation to Trout.
Donate by check:
Trout Lake Camps
10173 Trout Lake Drive
Pine River, MN 56474
Automatic Withdrawal
While donations in any format are accepted, automatic withdrawal is the preferred method for Trout Lake Camps because it reduces administrative costs
and enables a greater percentage of your donation to go directly to the projects where it’s needed most.
› Download the automatic withdrawal form
So many people look back on their time at Trout Lake Camps and remember the friends they met and the life-changing spiritual decisions they made. We call it "a meeting place with God" because so many people did in fact meet God for the first time at Trout Lake.
That's why many families decide memorial gifts should be designated to Trout Lake Camps. It's a place that has made a spiritual impact in their family and they want to see that impact go on for generations—and stretch into eternity.
If you're considering a memorial gift our goal is to make it easy for you during that difficult time.
We want to serve families and make the memorial process as smooth as possible. We send receipts for tax-deductible donations directly to individual donors as well as provide donation records to families so they can thank individual donors at their convenience.
Wish List
Throughout the year we have specific needs that can often be met through items being donated to Trout Lake Camps. These cash or non-cash gifts are tax deductible and ensure that the ministry at Trout Lake continues.
If you are interested in donating something on our 'wish list' (or if you have something not on the list you think Trout could use), please contact us.
Trout's Current Wish List:
- Vehicles under 100,000 miles (minivans preferred).
Vehicle Donation
Trout Lake Camps is looking for mini vans and pickups with less than 100,000 miles to meet our maintenance and programming needs. Vehicles should be in good working order. Donating a vehicle is simple and all donations are tax deductible. If you have any questions please contact us.
Project 365
In order to maintain and enhance the ministry at Trout, Project 365 is an effort to encourage 365 financial partnerships to give $1 per day into the work at camp. This extra financial capacity will ensure that much of the needed work around Trout is completed so that effective ministry will continue for years to come. If you are interested in signing up for Proejct 365, contact us.
Planning Your Will & Trust
We provide a free Estate Planing Guide so whatever your plans may be, we want to encourage you along the way. A good next step would be a free one-on-one consultation with our planned giving team to discuss your situation and goals.